Aqua Challenge
2022 年第57屆電視金鐘獎節目類「益智及實境節目獎」
TLC 旅遊生活頻道播出
【娛樂透視】金鐘團隊錄製《決戰水下伸展台》 打造原創節目格式搶攻全球
玩遍台灣潛水秘境!「決戰水下伸展台」奪金鐘57益智及實境節目獎 水下30米化身為美人魚超唯美
「決戰水下伸展台」Aqua Challenge
十位水肺潛水/Scuba Diving 水下攝影師
十位自由潛水/Free Diving 水下模特兒
憤怒、失望、挫折、傷心、恐懼 .........
近幾年水下攝影在台灣逐漸掀起一陣熱潮,不少優秀的專業水下攝影師也獲得大家的關注,TLC旅遊生活頻道推出全球首創水下實境節目《決戰水下伸展台Aqua Challenge》,將伸展台搬至水下,以水下攝影師及水下模特兒為主角,融合臺灣海島美景、攝影美學、 模特兒的魅力、水下世界、潛水技能加上種種人性考驗等元素,挑戰史上最強戶外實境節目。
透過每一回合的競賽,攝影師與模特兒一起創作攝影作品互相合作競爭拍攝, 足跡遍及墾丁、蘭嶼、小琉球、綠島等全台各大潛水場域,觀眾也能透過節目認識台灣海洋的豐富與迷人之處。
第一集 Episode One
首戰即終戰 Day One
After the audition, ten underwater photographers and ten underwater models became the contestants of the show, fighting for the final prize of 20,000 US dollars. This episode is the first time all the contestants have met. In the first episode, two groups of people (scuba photographers/self-diving models) will go to Taichung to dive into the cubic deep pool and pass the scuba photographer to watch underwater. The performance of the self-diving model, as well as the self-diving model watching the underwater photographer's work placed underwater.
作品描述 Work Description
“The Specter of Creation”
The underwater photography and modeling community have been re-creating the same image: beautiful women’s dresses and hair flowing in the water. The so-called “beautiful women,” in fact, has low irreplaceability. Once a “more beautiful woman” comes in, the former will be replaced. The fabric around the head represents the frail subjectivity and distinctiveness of the models while the fake head stands for the replaceable ones.
The work tries to propose a question, “why are the photographed almost always female,” this gender phenomenon. “Can other genders present a similar kind of beauty?” In addition, “Why is female beauty only imagined this way?” It tries to ask, “Other than this, what else from the underwater photography and modeling?” This way of creation, since its inception, has been stagnant and dying. However, the “specter” has seldom been removed or even addressed.
“This monotonous aesthetics is suffocating.”
攝影 Photography|科七
潛立方 Divecube,臺中市 Taichung City,臺灣 Taiwan
第二集 Episode One
First Goodbye
After the end of the first episode, the whole team came to the northeast corner. The theme of this episode is emotional performance. Invite a dance teacher to train the water model contestants on how to use their bodies to express the theme of emotions, and then the water model spiritual instructor will lead them to underwater training. Afterward, the water photo spiritual instructor gathered 20 contestants and told the contestants that they would go to different studios for trial shooting on land.
Photographers and models with the lowest overall ratings will be eliminated.
作品描述 Work Description
"Tearing Fear"
Fear is multilayered.
It tears us apart so we tend to hide and ignore it. However, if we decide to tear it open, it might hurt and eventually heal.
That is the dilemma we have when facing fear.
To tear or to be torn, that is the question.
This work is dedicated to my fear of the water and not being able to breathe. Participating in a diving and underwater modeling competition while having this fear is difficult.
When underwater, it feels like my nose and mouth are covered. The eagerness to breathe makes me want to tear the cover open, but if I do it, the water will come in.
This is the multilayeredness underwater modeling brings me.
In addition, this photo also represents individual, social and cultural fear. In this fearful world, we are beings full of wounds and scars but hesitant to change.
攝影 Photography|Pepe Arcos
深奧 Shenao,瑞芳區 Ruifang District,新北市 New Taipei City,臺灣 Taiwan
第三集 Episode Three
最佳代言人 The Best Endorser
照片可以修圖但不能合成也不能放大縮小, 只能修飾顏色、明暗、對比、質感等。
參賽者作品透過評選機制決定名次,分數最低的水肺攝影師與自潛模特兒(共2人)將會被淘汰,本集淘汰後剩下 16 名參賽者。
The arena of this episode is still in the northeast corner. Grouping method in this episode: pick up a card and pair it up by naming each other (if the pairing fails, repeat it until success). A professional model will be invited as a special guest in this episode. She will work with the water model spiritual advisor to guide the main points of the water model shooting. Photos can be retouched but cannot be combined or enlarged. They can only be modified in color, light and shade, contrast, texture, etc. Entries will be selected through the selection mechanism. The scuba photographer with the lowest scores and the self-diving model (2 in total) will be eliminated. After this episode, there will be 16 contestants left.
作品描述 Work Description
“Read the World” Theme Product:Mask
In the underwater world, if you want to see all the living phenomena clearly, a nice pair of goggles is a must. This mask will not only grant you the dazzling marine scenery, but also the ability to undertake one of the most intricate human activities: reading.
Such a nice mask makes possible the absorption of the scenery and the words for the viewers. The words, from the receptive point—the eyes and the mask—flow out into the torso and are experienced through the body.
Read, and read the world.
Reflect this profound kingdom of blue into the clear window to the soul.
A great pair of goggles will DIVE you to heaven.
攝影 Photography|京太郎
深奧 Shenao,瑞芳區 Ruifang District,新北市 New Taipei City,臺灣 Taiwan
第四集 Episode Four
Don't Cry Sea Turtle
After the third episode, the whole team takes a boat to Liuqiu. Liuqiu is famous for sea turtles, and its chances of diving are almost 100 percent. The theme of this episode is swimming with sea turtles. Both turtles and free-diving models must be included in the entries. The proportions of the two can be combined freely.
作品描述 Work Description
"Human/Ocean - Not Seeing"
In this photo, the model/performer holds a paper drink cup with lots of straws in it. That represents the large amount of waste generated by him personally, and also symbolizes that not just one person, but a collection of many people. This is a co-created evil. Every time we use a straw, it is equivalent to "not seeing" its immediate harm to the turtles.
This series tries to delineate the duality and the contradiction of the characters and their relationships with the ocean. The hybrid of the daily clothes and the diving equipment represents that the models/performers are both divers and real human beings. When humans approach the ocean and express freely their love for it, they are also producing trash and harming this heaven recklessly.
The human/ocean relationship is alienated.
In addition, this series morphs the image of “the three wise monkeys,” which represents “see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil,” into the greed and ignorance of humans regarding the pain of other lives.
The first three photos present the trash in the ocean that causes the biggest harm to sea turtles and other species: straws, plastic bottles, and plastic bags. The distant relationship between the humans and the sea turtles in the images symbolizes the ignorance of the former and the innocence of the latter.
The last photo, as the conclusion and summary of the series, conveys the main message and spirit of harmony. The dual and contradictory roles of humans both as divers and daily beings are dissolved here. They clear the trash in their hands and finally be with the sea turtles and the ocean. That is the harmonious human-ocean relationship this series tries to present.
攝影 Photography|Alfred Minnaar
小琉球 Liuqiu,屏東縣 Pingtung County,臺灣 Taiwan
第五集 Episode Five
Underwater Swimsuit Catalog
14 contestants from Xiao Liuqiu to Taiwan vacation paradise Kenting, Kenting is famous for its sunshine and the beach, the annual spring scream activity attracts countless young more spice to the pure vitality and good shape, so this set theme of "Underwater Swimsuit Catalog", free-diving modle must wear the swimsuit and with no fins, no mask, no latent in the form of weight. The difficulty of free-divie will be higher, the time offree-diving modle in the water will be reduced, and the time that the water photographer can shoot will be shorter.
作品描述 Work Description
"Wu-Chi (No Limits)"
This work, while focusing on the theme of the “underwater swimsuit catalog,” brings in a specific concept and spirit: Wu-Chi (No Limits).
The frame used at this time can be regarded as the limitation of the world, society, and cultures: all the restrictions for the participants from the Aqua Challenge, the stereotypicalization in the commercial and advertisement industries, and the confinement of the gender.
The model, Jiang Feng feels these three restrictions strongly this time during this challenge. In the set challenge of this show, they, “naturally” seen as a male, has to put on the boardshorts and “perform” an image of a man.
In this work, the model tries to not only push, morph and expand the frame but also transcend it, flighting with it while finding the possibility to surpass it. In addition, the lines of two colors on the body, red and black, correspond with the color of the boardshorts and also represent the dichotomies in humans: male and female, assimilation or alienation, and complying and rebelling. These dichotomies spread, scatter and bifurcate on the model’s body and even make their body seemingly broken, in pain but powerful. In the end, all the lines converge at the heart and form a seeming image of “Tai Chi.”
“Tai-Chi” here means that all the dichotomies mentioned before interact, converse and negotiate in human body-minds. Those living beings wanting to break through and transcend hope that they can achieve harmony within themselves and with the world.
“Wu-Chi” means “No limits.” All the frames and dichotomies are ever-present issues in life. This work wants to not only presents the image of the boardshorts but also its spirit and strength to support all the buyers and audience to face all the limits in life.
攝影 Photography|京太郎
砂島 Shadao,恆春鎮 Hengchun Township,屏東縣 Pingtung County,臺灣 Taiwan
第六集 Episode Six
Fun Dive
第六戰,地點依然在國境之南——墾丁,首戰以潛水人的 Check dive 作為開端,第六戰就以 Fun dive 小歇片刻。水攝參賽者們放下手中的大相機,換成小巧可一手掌握的 GoPro,並且自己決定主題、潛點與下水時間。
原本不淘汰任何選手。但上集有一個突發狀況,水攝參賽者最後的名次有兩位同分——Pepe Arcos & Owen(歐大)。這次是上集安全過關參賽者們的 Fun dive,也是 Pepe & Owen 的 battle 賽。雖然本集不淘汰用 Gopro 拍攝的任何一組,但最終成績將會決定參賽者們下集分組的命運。
The location of the sixth battle of the AQUA CHALLENGE is still south of the border - Kenting. The first battle starts with the Check dive of the diver, and the sixth battle takes a short rest with the Fun Dive. The competitors put down their big cameras and replaced them with a small, one-hand GoPro, and decided on their own themes, dives, and launch times
None of the contestants were supposed to be eliminated. However, there was a sudden situation in the last episode, the final ranking of the contestants in water photography had two same points -- Pepe Arcos&Owen(Europe University). This time it was the Fun Dive of contestants who had passed the previous episode with safety, and it was also Pepe&Owen's Battle. Although this episode will not knock out any group filmed with Gopro, the final result will determine the fate of the contestants in the next episode.
作品描述 Work Description
"'FAB!' (Fake Ass Being)"
“In this photo, what do you see?”
A Man? A Woman? A fabulous woman? A cross-dressing man? A genderless being?
Gender is much more complicated than people imagine.
This work examines how gender is constructed. When people think of “woman,” a certain image comes up and everyone conceives it differently. This shows how gender does not have absolute rules yet most people have similar images of it. These images are usually frames, confining the growth and possibilities of life.
When people see the model, Jiang Feng, they might see a “man.” However, when Feng puts on “women’s clothes,” they might be regarded as a “woman.”
This work presents how gender is “dressed up, simulated, and performed,” as how Feng demonstrates “a fabulous woman.”
In addition, the Barbie dolls have two layers of meaning: First, gender construction starts from childhood. Different genders are given different toys and girls always get Barbie dolls. Secondly, the Barbie dolls symbolize an ideal/illusional image of women: long-haired, slender and beautiful.
When people realize that gender phenomena are constructed, they might be on their way to the destruction of these limitations.
Lastly, once again:
“In this photo, what do you see?”
攝影 Photography|Alfred Minnaar
萬里桐 Wanlitong,恆春鎮 Hengchun Township,屏東縣 Pingtung County,臺灣 Taiwan