Alt-Sex 異.性
“Alt-Sex 異.性” is a performance work created out of the somatic practice “Sex and Love” that I am currently building. “Sex and Love” is intended to help people rethink sex and elicit sexual/erotic energy, sensual attention, and love affects through movements and body awareness. Following the thinker Georges Bataille’s work Erotism, I see the erotic as a source of connectivity. The practice and the performance work explore the deconstruction of the narrow idea of sex, codified bodies, and repertoires of sex. Sex is not a performance of prowess or position-changing but a dialogue and a way of living and experiencing. Furthermore, they aim to reactivate the body as agentic and integrated being/becoming in (non-)traditional sexual scenes.
編舞 Choreographer|江峰 Jiang Feng
表演者 Performer|江峰 Jiang Feng、Reginald Webber Jr.、Hunter Sturgis、Jasmin Vrban
服裝設計 Costume Designer|Sihyu Chen (Mika)
〔過往演出 Past Performances〕
2019 10th Biennial Xposition ‘O’ Contemporary Dance Fiesta, Global Solo Contemporary Dance Night, 新加坡 Singapore
2019 Movement: Two One Night Stands, Hudson Guild Theater, 紐約市 New York City
2019 WAXworks, Triskelion Arts, 紐約市 New York City
2019 Crest: 1st Annual Creature Fest, LATEA Theater, 紐約市 New York City
2019 ShowDown, Gibney Dance, 紐約市 New York City
2019 7MPR Themed Dance Theater, Arts on Site, 紐約市 New York City
Alt-Sex 異.性
Alt-Sex 異.性|Jiang Feng 江峰|Pratt Institute P&PS Thesis Festival|Dixon Place
Alt-Sex 異.性|Jiang Feng 江峰|Pratt Institute P&PS Thesis Festival|Dixon Place
Alt Sex 異.性|臥室版 Bedroom Version|江峰編舞作品 Jiang Feng Choreography
Alt-Sex 異.性|單人版本 Solo Version|Global Artist Program|ODT International|江峰編舞作品 Jiang Feng Choreography
Alt-Sex 異.性|2019 Movement: Two Nights Stand|Hudson Guild Theater|江峰編舞作品 Jiang Feng Choreography
評論 Review
"I held my breath. Kinetic Sculpture. Tangled in sheets. Bodies through the material—Powerful.
Fucking=Easy part. Seeing each other=Hard."
"Lovely. Resplendent. Like watching a cell divide."
"I'd love to see this work in an exhibit! Love the intimacy & Importance of listening."
"Very American Horror Story."
"That was amazing. I was mesmerized the whole time. I love your work. Actually original."
"Interesting that the human form was lost during the performance."
—From the audience members at 2019 Waxworks