"We yell. We low. We yellow."
Yell-Low 黃黃/惶惶 is a provocative manifesto of the low visibility and socio-political status of Asians in the ‘West.’
“Yell-Low” means “Yellow” as the skin color and also the angry manifesto of the low visibility and socio-political living state of Asians and Asian-USians in the U.S. It is also about whitewashing and Asian erasure. The theme is about how Asian people have had their own voices and rights to discourse in social and mainstream media taken away, how they are unable to tell their own stories, and how that affects their identities. The piece will use personal narratives about their own experiences and feelings toward whitewashing Asian erasure. Movement and embodiment is an important part of the corporeal truth of their loss--of how their skins, bodies, and presences are deprived. The work also features films of appropriation on Eastern cultures or Asian erasure by the Western media.
導演 Directing & 編舞 Choreography/江峰 Jiang Feng Jiang Feng
表演者 Performer/Amy Liou, Anderson Wang, Jason Lee, Maria Fyntrilaki, Sayoko Kojima, Mu-Hsi Kao, 吴芷葳 Zhiwei Wu, 江峰 Jiang Feng
製作助理 Production Assistant/Amy Liou
[ Past Performance ]
New Work Series at Tada! Theater
Ticketing Link:
Dixon Place:
